"A Happy Family Is But An Earlier Heaven"

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas 2016

We were for sure going to stay in Arizona for Christmas this year, we knew it would be the last one in AZ. About a week before Pila started planting the thought in my head saying "Are you sure you don't want to go to Richfield for Christmas?" to which I would reply "No, we have already decided, we're staying here" Pila wasn't sure if he could even get any extra time off. Of course Christmas was on a Sunday so it really was a perfect time to go, and after asking the kids and them saying the only thing they really wanted for Christmas was to go to Richfield and see their Grandma, Grandpa, Aunties, Uncles, and cousins we decided to have Christmas a little early AGAIN!! We didn't tell the kids, just surprised them. Thursday night I got everything ready. (I LOVE Christmas!!) When Mom and Dad came for Thanksgiving they brought all of our presents with them so Pila and I opened our presents then took the kids' back to Richfield with us so they could open them with they're cousins. 

Like normal, the kids loved it and we're super excited to open up everything!!

We saved Christmas Eve pajamas for them to wear in Richfield.

He looks thrilled.....anticipating the 9 hour drive ahead of us:)

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