"A Happy Family Is But An Earlier Heaven"

Friday, March 31, 2017


Izzy trying to get himself dressed. He ran away before I could get a good picture, but he put both legs through one pant hole, then pulled them up around his waist:)

Pila went to a wedding in Utah and we sent him this picture right before going to church.  Notice Meilani has her horse Sparky with her. Such cute kids we've got;)

Sometimes when I get a load of laundry out of the dryer Izzy wants me to put some of the warm clothes on him. He looked particularly homely today when he woke up, but at least he was warm and cozy during the night.

We have a "fitness trail" behind our house. We like to ride our bikes along it so the kids can do the exercises at each stop. Mana thought this superman picture was pretty cool. I didn't catch the picture of him almost falling and hurting himself pretty bad!! lol

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