"A Happy Family Is But An Earlier Heaven"

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Fire Pit Fun

We are loving the cool Utah evenings, usually I make the kids go outside after dinner and play until it's time to get ready for family prayer and bed. Ami and Misi have been dying to get a fire going in the fire pit. They swept and cleaned out the area and got everything ready then Ami used his boy scout skills to build a fire. I had to take Izzy over to the swing set and swing him because he kept ruining Ami's "log house structure" When they got the fire going they roasted marshmallows and made smores. Pila and Ofeina had gone up North to a family gathering, so we were missing them. I took this quick picture and thought the scene was perfect:)

I finally let this little diaper man go over and roast a marshmallow. We've been working on potty training again, with no luck, so most of the time he runs around in only his diaper. Plus it's so hot outside I don't blame him for wanting to be in as little clothing as possible:)

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