"A Happy Family Is But An Earlier Heaven"

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Today was "twin day" at the kids' school. It is a very rare occasion that the kids don't have to wear their uniforms, so Mana and Misi decided to dress up as each other:)

Misi has been wanting to get a pet lizard for months now. He's collected all of the recycling and designed an elaborate lizard habitat, with lots of rooms, tunnels, etc. Unfortunately every time there is a big wind storm it blows the individual cartons everywhere. So most of the time I make him throw some away, but there is always more from Milk of water.  One day he caught a lizard off of the wall outside and a few weeks later he noticed little eggs by the lizard. We may be having baby lizards soon!! ("sigh") lol

Bucket can often be found joining Meilani at the dinner table:)

Sometimes it's not too hot in the evenings to get outside and ride bikes:)

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