"A Happy Family Is But An Earlier Heaven"

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Meyer Family Reunion 2017

We were excited to move to Richfield in time to attend the Meyer Family Reunion. We sent this picture to Pila (who was still in AZ finishing up work) when we first got there. Notice how clean we were? By the end of the reunion (4 days) we were filthy!! The dust around the campground was very fine and the kids LOVED to play in it. They would sift their hands in it then touch their faces, clothes, everything. I must admit,  having them (and I) so dirty made me go a bit crazy!! But they had a lot of fun, played with cousins that they hardly get to see, and were not troubled at all that they didn't have to shower in 4 days.

The hammocks were a hit!!

(first day....still clean:))

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