Mana (and I) have been counting down the days for the last 4 weeks in order to get this stinky, dirty cast off!! He had to wait until the first day of school, but after the doctor looked at his x-rays he thought Mana's arm had healed good and the new bone was growing over the break nicely. (have I ever mentioned I will NEVER forget that horrible moment in time?!)

Patiently waiting:)

After his cast was cut off his arm was very scaly and gross. He has a reverse farmers tan that we all think is pretty cool!! He got a brace to wear for the next few weeks to insure that he doesn't re-break his arm, but at least he can take it on and off and take a normal bath:)

Meilani and Grandpa at her Kindergarten physical. I was going a bit crazy because I couldn't find her shot record. I called the kids' doctor in Arizona and they had no shot record on file for her, and I couldn't remember the name of their doctor in California. Luckily, I remembered that the office was on main street in Hesperia so I googled it and recognized one of the doctor's names. So I called and that was the right one, they remembered us and even asked if "my husband was done with school yet". She said she remembered our family because of our long last name, we had so many kids, and they were so "beautiful" I thanked her and said she had a much better memory than I then heaved a big sigh of relief that one more thing was checked off my list:)
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