Pila decided to have an in house x ray machine at Apex. It cost quite a bit but we figured it would pay for itself before too long and it was more convenient for our patients to not have to go somewhere else to get their x rays done. Of course we had to try it out:)

Pila especially wanted to x-ray Mana's arm since he just recently got his brace off. (I put Ofeina in charge of taking pictures....Pila probably won't love this one:))

Once in a while Misi pulls his hair up into a bun and looks like a completely different kid. He also found this bathrobe in my room and decided to claim it....I don't blame him, it's super soft and warm, just unfortunate that it's pink!!

He's been wanting to cut his hair for a long time and Pila told him he could cut it in December once it got a little longer so that he could donate it.
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