"A Happy Family Is But An Earlier Heaven"

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Osi's big day!!

Around 1 o'clock I went in to the doctor's for my 38 week appointment.  The baby was looking good, he checked me and sent me down to the hospital for a non stress test.  5 out of the 7 of our babies have been born around this time so I was really hoping that I would deliver soon. But I was still unchanged when he checked me so I didn't think anything would happen at the non stress test.  Mom told me to call her if he wanted me to have a NST so she could come down and keep me company, so I called her and she headed over.  In the few minutes of me walking to the room and getting connected to the monitors I started having really good contractions about every 3-4 minutes. When she got here they got stronger and closer together, I guess things were going to move along like I hoped:) The nurse checked me and I had dialated more and she said the doctor would be crazy to send me home like that, so my fingers were crossed!! Mom came over as soon as the kids were home from school and I called Pila and told him what was going on.  Ofeina called a little later and said "when are you coming home?" I said "I'm not, today's going to be baby day!!"  She freaked out a little bit but said she would handle everything at home.  
    My doctor gave me the go ahead and I got comfortable, hoping that things would go relatively quick considering that this was baby number 7:) He broke my water and things went pretty quick after that.  Everybody was comfortably talking in my room and the doctor was out when I felt the tall tale signs that the baby would be here soon.  I told the nurse she'd better get the doctor soon, she checked on me and said "don't cough, or sneeze, and definitely don't try to push!!" The doctor came in (after 4 hours of the time my NST started) and 1 push later, at 5:34 PM, our little man was born.  Pila asked his brother Tevita to name him, he named him after their little brother who had passed away at birth. 
*7 lbs 
*20.5 inches long
The name Siaosi (George in English) had crossed my mind a time or two but for some reason I thought his oldest brother had named one of their kids that so I dismissed it.  Taani is a little bit of each of their uncle's names.  

This little one looks just like an old man, and we are completely in love with him!! I can't believe we are now a family of 9:)

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