"A Happy Family Is But An Earlier Heaven"

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Apex Open House

Pila's mom has been here from New Zealand for the past couple of months, we decided that while she was here we would have the open house for Apex.  Pila and I had planned to do a simple open house with a few refreshments and tours/visiting.  Lita had other plans:) We had the ribbon cutting in the morning and then she planned a luau/party for lunch time.  We had Pila's relatives come from all over the United States, plus all of my side of the family, there was alot of food, dancing, and speeches.  We are so grateful for all those that came and supported our little family and Apex:)
The kids enjoying their soda (rare occasion for them at our house:))

Lita set up a couch at the front of the party so that Pila and I could sit on it and have a front row seat:) and my face is like that because I was having pretty good contractions the whole time we were sitting up there. lol

I'm hoping Pila has more pictures of the event on his phone, these are the ones that were taken with my phone, so hopefully I will get to update this post soon, since it really was a fun day!!

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